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Bolaño, Roberto | |
Autor: Bolaño, Roberto
Rok: 1953-2003 Roberto Bolaño Ávalos (Spanish: [roˈβerto βoˈlaɲo ˈaβalos] About this sound audio ) (28 April 1953 – 15 July 2003) was a Chilean novelist, short-story writer, poet and essayist. In 1999, Bolaño won the Rómulo Gallegos Prize for his novel Los detectives salvajes (The Savage Detectives), and in 2008 he was posthumously awarded the National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction for his novel 2666, which was described by board member Marcela Valdes as a "work so rich and dazzling that it will surely draw readers and scholars for ages." He was described by the New York Times as "the most significant Latin American literary voice of his generation." |