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Rašíd ad-Dín Ṭabíb | |
Autor: Rašíd ad-Dín Ṭabíb
Rashīd al-Dīn Tabīb (Persian: رشیدالدین طبیب) also Rashīd al-Dīn Fadhl-allāh Hamadānī (1247–1318) (Persian: رشیدالدین فضلالله همدانی), was a Persian statesman, historian and physician. He was born into a Persian Jewish family from Hamedan (Hamadani). A follower of Islam by the time he was 30, Rashid al-Din became the powerful vizier (prime minister) of the Ilkahn Mahmud Ghazan. Later he was commissioned by Ghazan to write the Jami al-Tawarikh, now considered the most important single source for the history of the Ilkhanid period and the Mongolian Empire. He retained his position as a vizier until 1316. After being charged with poisoning the Ilkhanid king Oljeitu, he was executed in 1318.Historian Morris Rossabi calls Rashid-al-Din "arguably the most distinguished figure in Persia during Mongolian rule". He was a prolific author, and established the Rab'-e Rashidi academic foundation in Tabriz. |