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Balicki, Zygmunt

Nahlásit porušení duševního vlastnictví, nebo práva na ochranu soukromí.

Autor: Balicki, Zygmunt
Rok: 1858-1916

Zygmunt Balicki

Zygmunt Balicki (30 December 1858, Lublin - 12 September 1916, Saint Petersburg) was a Polish sociologist, publicist and one of the first leading thinkers of the modern Polish nationalism in the late 19th century under the foreign Partitions of Poland. Balicki developed his original political thought inspired by the ideals of Aleksander Świętochowski from the movement of Positivism which was marked by the attempts at trying to stop the wholesale Russification and Germanization of the Poles ever since the Polish language was banned in reprisal for the January Uprising.

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