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Bauer, Lukáš | |
Autor: Bauer, Lukáš
Rok: 1977- Lukáš Bauer (Czech pronunciation: [ˈlukaːʃ ˈbau̯ɛr]; born 18 August 1977) is a Czech cross country skier who has competed since 1996.He is different from Lukas Bauer, a German national volleyball player.On 17 February 2006 he won the Winter Olympics silver medal for the 15 km cross-country classical.His best finish at the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships was second in the 15 km classic in 2009.Bauer is son-in-law of another Czech skier Helena Balatková-Šikolová.In season 2007–08 he was overall winner of the men's version of the Tour de Ski and FIS Cross-Country World Cup. In 2010, he again won the Tour de Ski in a dramatic come-from-behind victory over Norwegian skier Petter Northug.Bauer finished with the bronze medal at the 15 km freestyle event at the 2010 Winter Olympics. |