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Obrenović, Anka

Nahlásit porušení duševního vlastnictví, nebo práva na ochranu soukromí.

Autor: Obrenović, Anka
Rok: 1821-1868

Biogr./Hist. údaje: Srbská spisovatelka.
Zdroj: Autoritní databáze Národní knihovny ČR

Anka Obrenović

Princess Anka Obrenović (later Anka Konstantinović, Serbian Cyrillic: Анка Обреновић; 1 April 1821 – 10 June 1868 [29 May o.s.]) was a member of the Serbian royal Obrenović dynasty as the niece of the dynasty's founder Miloš Obrenović I, Prince of Serbia. She was also a society leader and writer whose translations in 1836 were the first literary works compiled by a woman to be published in Serbia. She was the inspiration for a poem by renowned Croatian poet Antun Mihanović, who had wished to marry her when she was 16 and he 41. In 1860, she established one of the first Serbian salons in her home in Belgrade. She was also known as "Anka pomodarka" ("Anka the fashionable").She was assassinated alongside her first cousin Mihailo Obrenović III, who was the ruler of the Principality of Serbia at the time.It was due to his marriage to Princess Anka's granddaughter Natalija Konstantinović, that Mirko, Prince of Montenegro was promised the Serbian crown. The present day pretender to the defunct throne of Montenegro is a descendant of Anka, and it's via her line that the family of Obrenović continues.

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