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Korwin-Mikke, Janusz | |
Autor: Korwin-Mikke, Janusz
Janusz Ryszard Korwin-Mikke (Polish pronunciation: [ˈjanuʂ ˈkɔrvʲin ˈmʲikkɛ], often referred to by his initials JKM, born 27 October 1942) is a conservative liberal Polish political commentator, the creator of a Polish liberal political party Coalition for the Renewal of the Republic - Freedom and Hope and Member of the European Parliament. He was the leader of the Congress of the New Right, which was formed in 2011 from Freedom and Lawfulness, which he led from its formation in 2009, and the Real Politics Union (UPR – Unia Polityki Realnej), which he led from 1990 to 1997 and 1999 to 2003. Currently he is the chairman of KORWiN (Koalicja Odnowy Rzeczypospolitej Wolność i Nadzieja – Coalition of Polish Republic's Renewal Freedom and Hope) (along with Przemysław Wipler, Polish MP, and Robert Iwaszkiewicz, MEP), which was virtually transformed from the disbanded Congress of the New Right. |