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Åmås, Knut Olav | |
Autor: Åmås, Knut Olav
Rok: 1968- Knut Olav Åmås (born 19 January 1968) is a Norwegian writer, editor and politician for the Conservative Party.He hails from Odda. He holds a cand.philol. degree in philosophy, having taken his master's thesis on Ludwig Wittgenstein at the University of Bergen. He later took a dr.philos. degree on a biographical thesis about Olav H. Hauge. He has worked as a journalist in Bergens Tidende, and is from 2006 debate editor (from 2008: editor of culture and debate) in Aftenposten. He was an editor in the publishing house Universitetsforlaget from 1996 to 2001, and edited the periodical Samtiden from 2001 to 2006. In 2013 he was named in Solberg's Cabinet as State Secretary in the Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs.Åmås is openly gay. He is in a relationship with editor Knut Aastad Bråten. |