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Żuławski, Andrzej

Nahlásit porušení duševního vlastnictví, nebo práva na ochranu soukromí.

Autor: Żuławski, Andrzej
Rok: 1940-2016

Biogr./Hist. údaje: Polský filmový režisér, spisovatel.
Zdroj: Autoritní databáze Národní knihovny ČR

Andrzej Żuławski

Andrzej Żuławski (Polish: [ˈandʐɛj ʐuˈwafskʲi]; born 22 November 1940) is a Polish film director and writer. He was born in Lwów, Poland, now Ukraine. Żuławski has often gone against mainstream commercialism in his films, and has enjoyed success mostly with European art-house audiences.In the late 1950s, he studied cinema in France. His second feature The Devil (1972) was banned in Poland, and Żuławski went to France. After the success of That Most Important Thing: Love in 1975, he returned to Poland where he spent two years making The Silver Globe (1988). The work on this film was interrupted by the Polish authorities. After that, Żuławski moved to France where he became known for controversial and violent art-house films. Żuławski is also known for his work with certain specific actresses including Romy Schneider, Isabelle Adjani and Sophie Marceau.His films have received 16 awards at various international film festivals. Żuławski has also written several novels, for example: Il était Un Verger, Lity Bór (a.k.a. La Forêt Forteresse), W Oczach Tygrysa, and Ogród Miłości.

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