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Cox, Tracey | |
Autor: Cox, Tracey
Rok: 1961- Tracey Jane Cox (born 1 November 1961) is an English non-fiction author and columnist who specializes in books on dating, sex and relationships.Cox appeared as a relationship expert on Jo Whiley's show on BBC Radio 1. Her television career has included co-presenting programmes like Would Like To Meet on BBC2 and The Sex Inspectors for Channel 4 in Britain. She is also a columnist for newspapers and magazines, currently writing weekly for Closer magazine in Britain and the Mail Online.Cox was born in Britain but spent many years in Australia where she edited Cosmopolitan magazine and had her own radio show. Although not much information is known about Cox herself, a great deal can be learnt about her from her books as they contain snippets from her own personal experiences. Hot Relationships was written after her divorce. |