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Genova, Lisa | |
Autor: Genova, Lisa
Lisa Genova (born November 22, 1970) is an American neuroscientist and author. She self-published her debut novel Still Alice (2007), about a Columbia professor who suffers early onset Alzheimer's disease. The book gained popularity and was acquired by Simon & Schuster; it was published in January 2009 by Pocket Books (now Gallery Books). There are over 2.6 million copies in print, and it has been translated into 36 languages. It was chosen as one of the thirty titles for World Book Night 2013. The book was adapted into a film in 2014 and won the Academy Award for Best Actress for Julianne Moore's highly acclaimed performance as Alice Howland.Genova has written fiction about characters dealing with neurological disorders. Gallery Books published her next two novels, which also became bestsellers. |