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Capullo, Greg | |
Autor: Capullo, Greg
Rok: 1962- Gregory “Greg” Capullo is an American comic book artist and penciller, best known for his work on Quasar (1991–1992), X-Force (1992–1993), Angela (1994), Spawn (1993–1999, 2003–2004) and Batman (2011-).Greg Capullo also published his own creator-owned comic, The Creech, published through Image Comics. These were two three-issue miniseries.Apart from comics, Capullo has been involved in several projects such as pencilling for the Iced Earth albums The Dark Saga and Something Wicked This Way Comes (Iced Earth album), the Korn album Follow the Leader and the Disturbed album, Ten Thousand Fists. He was also part of the crew who worked on the animated sequences in the 2002 film The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys. |