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Toldt, Carl | |
Autor: Toldt, Carl
Carl Toldt (May 3, 1840 – November 13, 1920) was an Austrian anatomist who was a native of Bruneck, Tyrol.In 1864 he earned his medical doctorate in Vienna, and was later a professor of anatomy in Prague and Vienna. He was the author of the popular Anatomischer Atlas für Studirende und Ärzte (Atlas of Human Anatomy For Students and Physicians), a work that was later translated into English. His name is lent to the following four anatomical eponyms: Toldt's fascia: Continuation of Treitz's fascia behind the body of the pancreas. "Toldt's fascia flap": A recent technique for repairing large diaphragmatic hernias. "Toldt's membrane": The anterior layer of the renal fascia. "White line of Toldt": Lateral reflection of posterior parietal peritoneum of abdomen over the mesentery of the ascending and descending colon. |