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Sudjic, Deyan | |
Autor: Sudjic, Deyan
Rok: 1952- Deyan Sudjic, (born 6 September 1952) is a British writer and broadcaster. He is the director of the Design Museum, London. He grew up in Acton, London; his parents spoke Serbo-Croat at home. His father worked for the BBC World Service. In 1970 he contributed to Schoolkids OZ.Later he was the design and architecture critic for The Observer, the Dean of the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture at Kingston University, visiting professor at the Royal College of Art, and co-chair of the Urban Age Advisory Board.In 1983, he co-founded, with Peter Murray and Simon Esterson, Blueprint, a monthly architecture magazine and went on to be the magazine's editor and then its editorial director. From 2000-04, he was the editor of Domus. He was the director of Glasgow's UK City of Architecture and Design program in 1999, and the director of the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2002. He was also a juror for the design of London Aquatics Centre, which was designed and built for the 2012 Olympics by architect Dame Zaha Hadid. Sudjic took up his post as director of the Design Museum in 2006. In 2012, Sudjic was awarded an honorary degree from the University for the Creative Arts. |