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Pflüger, Friedbert | |
Autor: Pflüger, Friedbert
Friedbert Pflüger (born March 6, 1955) is a former German politician of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). Today, he is a Visiting Professor of International Relations and Director of the European Centre for Energy and Resource Security (EUCERS) at King's College London. Friedbert Pflüger is also managing partner of two business consultancies in Berlin and Arbil (Iraqi-Kurdistan). He was a Member of the German Parliament 1990-2006, serving as chairman of the Bundestag's EU-committee (1998–2002) and as foreign policy spokesman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group (2002–2005). He was Secretary of State in the Federal Ministry of Defence (2005–2006), and the CDU's candidate for Governing Mayor of Berlin in the Berlin state election, 2006. He was a member of the Berlin House of Representatives (2006–2011) and a member of the executive board of the CDU (2000-2010). |