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Butler, Terry

Nahlásit porušení duševního vlastnictví, nebo práva na ochranu soukromí.

Autor: Butler, Terry
Rok: 1967-
Oblast působnosti: kytaristé

Biogr./Hist. údaje: Americký hudebník, baskytarista (metal).
Zdroj: Autoritní databáze Národní knihovny ČR

Terry Butler

Terry Butler (Born November 1967) of Tampa, Florida, U.S., is the current bassist in the death metal bands Obituary and Massacre. He was also a member of Six Feet Under and Death. He was credited on the Death albums Leprosy and Spiritual Healing, and band leader Chuck Schuldiner stated that on the latter Death album "Terry contributed to the songwriting as well".He is married with three children, and is brother-in-law of former bandmate Greg Gall.Before he joined Six Feet Under, he was in Massacre with Rick Rozz, whom he played with in Leprosy-era Death. In an interview, Butler has stated: "I'd rather be popular in the underground, than be unknown in the mainstream."In late 2011 it was announced that Butler was reforming Massacre with former bandmate Rick "Rozz" DeLillo, with the intention of securing a record deal, recording a new album, and international touring. The band performed on the cruise ship "70,000 Tons of Metal" in January 2012 and subsequently signed a worldwide recording agreement with Century Media Records.

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