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Seitz, Otto

Nahlásit porušení duševního vlastnictví, nebo práva na ochranu soukromí.

Autor: Seitz, Otto
Rok: 1846-1912

Biogr./Hist. údaje: Německý malíř a výtvarný pedagog.
Zdroj: Autoritní databáze Národní knihovny ČR

Otto Seitz

Otto Seitz, was a 19th-century German painter.Otto Seitz was born 3 September 1846 in Munich, As a professor with the Munich Art Academy, he shaped by his teaching by many major artists.Many of his paintings depict people, floral still life and landscapes.in works with titles such as "drinkers and brawlers in a farmer's tavern," "Old farmer at the table with a beer bottle" "street musicians in the backyard," Junge ServiererinWoodland and RocksHochzeitszug des Neptun und der AmphitriteThe love letterPortrait of a young Italian woman Some of his most famous works are small, sometimes even in miniature, for example, has "Faun and Nymph" (oil on wood) the dimensions 9 cm x 8 cm and "Landscapes" (watercolor / pencil on wood) had only lateral dimensions of approximately 2 cm. and Pendant with St. George and the Dragon, He died March 13, 1912. Professor Otto Seitz was buried in the Old South Cemetery in Munich.

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