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Bücheler, Franz

Nahlásit porušení duševního vlastnictví, nebo práva na ochranu soukromí.

Autor: Bücheler, Franz
Rok: 1837-1908

Biogr./Hist. údaje: Německý knihovník, klasický filolog a vysokoškolský pedagog.
Zdroj: Autoritní databáze Národní knihovny ČR

Franz Bücheler

Franz Bücheler (June 3, 1837 – May 3, 1908) was a German classical scholar, was born in Rheinberg, and educated at Bonn, where he was a student of Friedrich Ritschl (1806–1876).In 1856 he graduated from the University of Bonn with a dissertation on linguistic studies of the Emperor Claudius. He held professorships successively at Freiburg (associate professor in 1858, full professor in 1862), Greifswald (from 1866), and Bonn (1870 to 1906). At Bonn, he worked closely with Hermann Usener (1834-1905).Both as a teacher and as a commentator he was extremely successful. His research spanned the entirety of Greco-Roman antiquity, from poetry and sciences to the mundane aspects of everyday life. In 1878 he became joint-editor of the Rheinisches Museum für Philologie.Among his editions are:Frontini de aquis urbis Romae (Leipzig, 1858)Pervigilium Veneris (Leipzig, 1859)Petronii satirarum reliquiae (Berlin, 1862; 3rd ed., 1882)Hymnus Cereris Homericus (Leipzig, 1869)Q. Ciceronis reliquiae (1869)Herondae mimiambi (Bonn, 1892).He wrote also Grundriss der lateinischen Deklination (1866); Des Recht von Gortyn (Frankfort, 1885, with Ernst Zitelmann 1852-1923); and supervised the third edition (1893) of Otto Jahn's Persii, Juvenalis, Sulpiciae saturae.

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